Plants Cleanse the Air of Impurities
NASA studies prove that living plants make indoor air healthier. Contemporary buildings are sealed tightly to increase HVAC efficiency. Inside those sealed environments man-made articles such as paints, plastics, insulation, and detergents emit up to 300 harmful pollutants 24 hours a day.
However, leafy green help is available. Plants commonly used in interior plantscaping cleanse the air of many harmful pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichoroethylene.
Plants Promote Workplace Productivity
Businesses have long realized that the physical environment directly affects an employee's ability and desire to work. Now, businesses are realizing that interior plants are a natural and vital part of a productive workplace environment. The majority of Fortune 500 companies have landscaped their office interiors--boosting morale, building employee contentment and promoting productivity.
Serving North and Central New Jersey and Southeastern Pennsylvania